I have sold 27 items since my last update on January 3, 2025. I made $210.87 of profit on these items for an average profit of $7.81. I would like to be higher than this, but this amount per average...
Archives: Blog
I've sold 47 items since my last update to end the year of 2024. I made a total of $386.83 during this period of time between the last update. I bought a bunch of shipping materials that I will use...
I am continuing to build up on the clothing area since my last update. I have bought over 150 items since my last update which is almost as many items as I had sold in my entire change jar flip to...
I made $268.07 in profit since my last update in August. I sold thirteen items during this period of time and liquidated five items through pawn shops close to me. I made $314.43 on the 13 items I...
I've not put a lot of time into finding new items to flip since my last update in July. I made $193.56 since on twelve different sales during this period. The biggest one was sellling the gaming...
Since my last update at the end of two years I've sold thirteen more items. I picked a good amount of items at some pawn shops since the last update and sold a good bit of them. They were mostly...