February 11, 2025- Consistency

I have sold 27 items since my last update on January 3, 2025. I made $210.87 of profit on these items for an average profit of $7.81. I would like to be higher than this, but this amount per average is still very good based on what I’m doing. I would like to have a complete turn of my inventory once a year at this point, and am trending in towards this. This would be optimal based on the amount of time I am willing to put into this. I hope to get up to 300 items if I can keep growing, but I am running into the position where I am not growing my inventory at this point very much and have around the same amount I need to reinvest month to month, about $600.

Buc-ees Black Shirt

I redonated two items for someone else to enjoy: the Japanese Stein and the Satellite Puzzle. They hadn’t moved and there was no one looking at them, so it was time to move one.


I bought eight more shares of Verizon during this time period from the profits I’ve been earning. I paid $313.05 for an average cost per share of $39.13125. As well, I received dividends on Verizon, Chicago Atlantic Real Estate, Altria, and British American Tobacco.

I got paid $5.59 from Verizon giving me .141 more shares. I now have 16.375 shares of Verizon.

I got paid $1.03 from Altria giving me .02 more shares. I now have 1.061 shares of Altria.

I got paid $4.55 from Chicago Atlantic Real Estate giving me .301 more shares. I now have 7.301 shares of Chicago Atlantic Real Estate.

I got paid $6.83 from British American Tobacco giving me .164 more shares. I now have 9.545 shares of British American Tobacco.

With the 61.325 shares of Future Fuel my current yearly dividend amount is at $106.83. Was my initial investment of $36.38 a good use of that money? For sure, based on what I’ve been able to grow it into on a yearly basis already. I am almost at three times my initial investment that will be paid to me whether I do anything or not in perpetuity. Crazy how a small amount has already turned into this.

I hope to continue to grow it over the years doing exactly what I’ve been doing so far. Buying items where I can make decent amounts selling them, and buying shares of companies I believe have a good chance to pay me while I hold them over time.

Current Inventory

ItemCostDate PurchasedSoldProfit
*2 Coca Cola Puzzles$6.919/13/22
*Floral Plate$2.719/26/22
*Japanese Stein 1$4.339/26/22Redonated-$4.33
*Satellite Puzzle$2.3711/28/22Redonated-$2.37
*Board Game$3.781/4/23
*Antique? vase$8.112/21/23
*Antique Plates$7.563/19/23
*Granite Cutting Blades (4)$32.434/4/23
*Crystal bowl$5.944/10/23
*Coffee Cup- Floral$2.706/20/23
*Peter Reed Reina Blue King Duvet$42.221/3/24
*Peter Reed Reina Blue King Duvet$42.221/10/24
*RNs DVD$1.083/1/24
*Utawareumono DVD$1.083/6/24
*1 garage sale tshirts$1.003/30/24
*April 2024 – 5 items$27.66
*May 2024- 3 items$253.82
*June 2024 – 6 items$17.85
*August 2024- 25 items$143.72
*September 2024- 61 items$301.66
*October 2024- 48 items$281.64
*November 2024- 25 items$89.24
*December 2024- 2 items$6.47
*January 2025- 17 items$113.05
*February 2025- 17 items$81.00
May 2024- 1 item sold- DVD$2.155/7/242/5/25-$.55
June one item sold – Puzzle$1.866/14/241/22/25$4.65
August – 8 items – items sold- Clothing, 2 Books$27.35$45.60
September -5 items sold- Clothing$22.68$39.52
October – 4 items sold- Sheets, Clothing$44.36$47.40
November – 4 items- 4 clothing$15.75$37.91
December- 3 items, Sheets and 1 Shirt$154.77$38.12
January 2025- 1 Shirt$3.241/6/251/23/25$26.87
Other costs during period21.95
Verizon, Altria, British American, Future Fuel$1417.18Various$114.37
Total inventory amount$3503.75
*Indicates purchased from Profit

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